Clay Dexterity of Gujarat Clay, terracotta, mud are all synonymous with the earth which is the wellspring of life! Clay, the very element of earth and life takes on shapes of creativity under the dexterously nimble hands of the potter. From the earliest beginning mankind has been fascinated with the ability to mold and cast the very earth to suit his needs and bring forth his creative passion. Humankind or man has shared a primordial relationship with clay, this element was found on the banks of rivers and lakes nurturing life itself. The legacy of clay work or maatikaamkalakari is linked to that of the oldest settlements unearthed in Gujarat.

Cane and Bamboo Style of Gujarat The beatific rustling of a bamboo glade is nature’s calligraphy to the winds. Bamboo or baans and its tensile shape, caricature and form has bent itself well to the willful ministrations of man. Cane and bamboo have swayed their way into the tribal culture of Gujarat. These are such basic elements of daily household use that one barely notices their pervasiveness within all strata of manmade design. Gujarat is home to over 22 varieties of bamboo, spread over vast tracks of forest land in hilly areas and southern and northeastern regions of the state.

The strength and magnificence of stone is the very musclature of the earth. Vein traceries of marble, sediments of quartz, and boulders of granites and sandstone are some of the variety of nature’s bounty. Stone mined from the earth and shaped by living hands, is glorified in the architectural edifices of temples, palaces, caravan sarais and homes. The state of Gujarat is richly varied geologically and this has yielded a diverse variety of stone ranging from the humble granite to the semi precious agate. Building and monuments carved in stone are a testament to Gujarat’s rich historical legacy.
