- ATCS - Adaptive Traffic Control System
- ATCS has been implemented in Dahod at 13 nodes (Traffic Junctions) by DSCDL. It is monitored from ICCC with help of web application.
- This system is deployed to achieve real time traffic flow across road intersections & improvisation over traditional fix time methods.
- All these signals controlled by an intelligent signal controller with smart traffic detectors.
- ATCS operates by detecting the traffic vehicle volume at the junction there by deciding on green time allocation.
Vehicle Detector Camera
- Intelligent vehicle detector and counting system for inter-sectional traffic control. Capable of working in a heterogeneous vehicle type environment (e.g. cars, bikes, etc.), it detects stationary and in-motion vehicles using a live camera and state-of-the-art software algorithms.
- It helps to understand traffic time, resulting in a smoother flow of vehicles and better junction traffic flow management.
- TVDS - Traffic Violation Detection System
- About 78 ANPR cameras are installed at 18 sites. 38 RLVD cameras on 11 sites and 6 SVD cameras installed on 3 major sites around town. Total camera devices 122 devices installed at 21 sites. This entire system is monitored through ITMS application. To organize the traffic system of city and effectively enforcing traffic rules among citizens. This system comprises of :
- ANPR : Automatic Number Plate Recognition
- Automated Number Plate Recognition System that enables you to identify the vehicle by capturing and recognizing a moving vehicle’s number plate and transmitting time stamp of entry/exit to the database in real-time.
- It is an advanced license plate recognition system that uses computer-vision technology & has the ability to automatically identify the vehicle with the help of an image, provided by video surveillance cameras.
- RLVD : Red Light Violation Detection
- The RLVD systems have evolved with cutting edge technology and automated systems are more attentive in detecting traffic violations than human eyes. Such systems can reduce the burden of the officers and enforce the law by leading the drivers to be more responsive to traffic laws.
- The unprecedented increase in the number of vehicles has led to increased number of road accidents. Detecting and catching traffic violators has become a necessity for authorities all over the world in order to reduce chances of accidents and ensuring road safety. Red light violation and speeding is a major cause of road collisions. So this system will help to govern the law with proper safety.
- SVD : Speed Violation Detection
- The system uses radar-based speed detection technology to measure the speed of passing vehicles accurately. With increased population, number of offenders violating speed limit has grown exponentially.
- Speeding is the major cause of road accidents and fatalities on roads. Speed violation detection system is capable of assessing speed, direction and range of driving, using cameras with HD technology. The speed enforcing camera system can provide information such as vehicle speed, vehicle classification, vehicle count, etc.
- Smart Pole
- ECB - Emergency Call Box
- Emergency Call Box System is an end-to-end solution for road-side assistance in case of emergency events. It is a robust communication system that comprises of telephone boxes installed at the different locations of the city and connected to a control centre for swift emergency response.
- IP based Emergency Call Box/Panic buttons are deployed at 23 locations in the city.
- These systems are deployed at identified junction for ease of access by citizens of Dahod City.
- PAS - Public Announcement System
- A public Announcement system (or PA system) is an electronic system comprising microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, and related equipment. The main objective of the Public Announcement System is to convey clear and audible instructions to all the people on all floors / buildings in case of occurrence of fire / other emergency to reach a place of safety in the open, outside the buildings.
- IP based Public Address System is installed as part of the information dissemination system at 23 locations in the city.
- These systems deployed at identified junction to make public interest announcements.
- The systems deployed are IP based and have the capability to be managed and controlled from the ICCC.
- Env Sensor - Environment Sensor
- The Environment Monitoring System is helpful to address the growing need of air quality monitoring across the city.
- The portable IoT-based solution measures gases like CO, CO2, NO2, O3, SO2 along with Particle Matter, UV and Noise levels.
- Apart from the pollutants, it also measures various weather parameters like temperature, humidity, ambient light and rainfall. This portable solution can be fully integrated into the smart pole.
- These Sensors are integrated at 8 strategic Smart Poles. Each ward has one environment sensor.
- We have environment sensor application in which we can get the environment data of all 8 strategic locations where sensors are installed.
- VMD - Variable Messaging Display
- Variable Message Sign Board (VMSB or VMS referred herein) is a matrix sign, is an electronic sign often used on roadways to give travelers information about special events.
- Variable Message Sign Board is installed at 23 identified strategic locations.
- The locations of VMSBs are on the key junctions (mostly on the sides without obstructing the traffic) and other strategic locations with large foot fall.
- The VMSB software application allow user to publish specific messages for managing traffic and also general informative messages.
- VMSB will enable DSCDL/DNP/Police to communicate effectively with citizens and also improve response while dealing with exigency situations.
- IP Bullet Camera
- IP bullet cameras provide video surveillance over an Ethernet which help us at deterring vandalism and theft over the city. It provides digital video surveillance by sending and receiving footage over the internet or local area network (LAN).
- At 23 sites of Smart Pole, total 46 cameras are installed (2 on each site).
- Rain sensor
- A rain sensor is one kind of switching device which is used to detect the rainfall. It works like a switch and the working principle of this sensor is, whenever there is rain, the switch will be normally closed.
- A rain sensor detects the presence of water on device. It works on the principle of resistance. The raindrop sensor measures the moisture via analog output pins and it provides a digital output when a threshold of moisture exceeds.
- We have installed 8 rain sensors at different locations in the city.
- Wi -Fi
- Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet access. A common misconception is that the term Wi-Fi is short for "wireless fidelity,"
- Two radio-wave frequencies can be used, depending on the amount of data being sent: 2.4 gigahertz and 5 gigahertz.
- In Dahod smart city, we have installed 23 Wi-Fi devices.
- Smart street Light
- Electric street lights are essential elements of a municipal environment and services.
- They affect resident sense of safety while influencing a city’s ability to create an inviting environment for business and tourism.
- Here comes the smart light which can run in auto / manual mode.
- When smart light is in auto mode it can be operated with its application portal.
- Canopy - For wireless technology
- A Canopy System is based on a wireless broadband technology that provides for high-speed Internet access and was designed to provide cost-effective, “last-mile” high speed data access for customers who previously were undeserved or lived in locations where infrastructure is non-existent.
- The Canopy system uses Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multi point networks than can distances ranging from two to 10 miles in a Multi-Point configuration, to as many as 35 miles in a point-to-Point configuration
City Surveillance
- Surveillance Systems helps monitor public areas against crime, terrorism, and civil unrest, and track incidents and suspects enabling quicker response.
- There are a total of 78 sites in the city of Dahod, where 387 cameras have been installed.
- Among these are IP Bullet Cameras, which is around 224 cameras on the surveillance locations, 46 cameras on Smart Pole and 25 Dome Cameras in ICCC.
- There are also PTZ IP cameras (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) which are around 81 PTZ cameras on the surveillance sites and 11 PTZ cameras on TVDS (Traffic Violation Detection System).
- To monitor the entire system, there is a program called IVMS (Intelligent Video Management System), which is operated by the Integrated Command Control Center (ICCC).
- Kiosk
- Kiosk is an electronic device having interactive display to engage the people of the City in formalizing its policy initiatives bringing an all-round inclusive growth.
- Kiosk is capable of Live Streaming support; bring in live feeds such as news, weather, traffic, financial data and social media, etc.
- Kiosk deployed at 5 prime locations.
- We can display the templates over the kiosk with its Application Portal & can also run live stream over it.
- Telemedicine
- The remote delivery of healthcare services over the telecommunications infrastructure. Tele-medicines allow healthcare providers to evaluate, diagnose, inform and treat patients without an in-person visit.
- Provides remote medical facilities and assistance in medical urgency.
- Dahod smart city has 10 Tele-medicines locations spread across the districts Primary Health Center - Community Health Center Service.
- Tele health can be classified into four main categories these are-
- Interactive.
- Remote patient monitoring.
- Store and forward.
- Mobile.