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Status In Progress
Location Dahod

Rain Water Harvesting

 It is a technique or strategy for the collection of rainwater and storing it in the right way for future use. The water can be collected from various surfaces and platforms and stored for later use. In most cases, the water is usually collected from rooftops and other hard surfaces. Rainwater harvesting is considered as a very reliable way to conserve water.

Project Overview

The use of rainwater harvesting system provides ideal merits to any community. First and foremost, the collection offers a better and efficient utilisation of energy resource. It is important because potable water is usually not renewable, thus reducing wastage. The systems used for water collection is based on simple techniques that are very easy to maintain. Water that has been stored from harvesting water can be used for several non-drinking purposes. It will immediately reduce one’s utility bills. Harvesting allows the collection of large amounts of water. Most rooftops provide the necessary platform for collecting water. Rainwater is usually free from harmful chemicals, which makes it ideal for irrigation purposes. t is the easiest and affordable method of rainwater harvesting, especially at home. It is where barrels or water tanks installed below the downspouts of the rooftops guttering system. The water is then funnelled/directed into the tanks. The tank can be connected to provide backup water to your current plumbing system, or it can be attached to a pipe for drip irrigation. The use of barrels or tanks is ideal since it can store significant amounts of water.